Charter flights between Russia and Serbia by the end of the year

According to the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, there was great interest in Serbia’s offer at the recently held Tourism Fair in Moscow and charter flights between Russia and Serbia were rented and are to start by the end of the year.

The four travel agencies from Russia  (“Geometrija”, “R-Turs”, “Apelsin” and “7-tur”), which were present at the stand of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia in Moscow, agreed and rented a charter flight (Moscow-Niš-Moscow), which will fly once a week, starting from December, 28.

These tour operators along with the charter company “Jamal” from Russia announced and rented the first four flights on that route.

This will renew charter flights to the airport in Niš after a long hiatus. The charter airline “Jamal” will carry Russian tourists interested in vacating in Serbia via an Airbus 320 aircraft with 160 seats.

At the fair in Moscow, special emphasis was placed on the vacation offer in our country in the coming winter, especially on the most visited winter resort “Kopaonik”, as well as on the wide range of spas in Serbia.

According to official data of the Statistical Office of RS, in the first eight months of this year, 109,807 overnight stays by Russian tourists were registered in Serbia, which is an increase of 31 percent compared to the same period last year, this making them our most numerous foreign visitors.