Screening on Information Society and Media

As part of Serbia’s preparation to join the European Union, the bilateral screening for the negotiation chapter on Information Society and Media (subgroup 10) will be held in Brussels on July 10 – 11, 2014. Negotiating Chapter 10 consists of three areas: electronic communications, information society and audiovisual policy. The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is responsible for this chapter.

Therefore, in order to prepare for this meeting, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, at the proposal of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, adopted a basis for participation in the bilateral screening, which includes the basic elements of the chapters under discussion. This framework consists of the achieved degree of harmonization with the EU acquis, data on the implementation and application of regulations, the institutional framework and plans regarding further harmonization and enforcement of regulations.

In addition to representatives of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, the bilateral screening in Brussels will be attended by the head of the negotiating team for accession to the European Union, the representatives of the Office for European Integrations, the Mission of the Republic of Serbia in Brussels, the Ministry of Culture and information, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Defense, the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, as well as the Republic Broadcasting Agency.