Decision on the selection of programs in the field of information society development in the Republic of Serbia in 2014

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications announced the final results of the public competition for the allocation of funds for programs in the field of information society development in the Republic of Serbia in 2014.

201 applications with program proposals were received. The Committee for ranking and selection of program proposals conducted the assessment of the fulfillment of the conditions for the participation of the applicants. The conditions included: that the program proposal arrived in due time at the registry office of the Ministry, that the applicant has the necessary legal status for participation in the competition meaning that he is recorded in the appropriate register, and that he delivered the complete basic documentation as specified by the competition.

The program proposals of the applicants who did not meet these conditions were not taken into consideration.

170 program proposals in the field of information society development in the Republic of Serbia in 2014 fulfilled the conditions, and 44 received the funds allocated from the budget of the Republic of Serbia.

Одлука о избору програма из области развоја информационог друштва у Републици Србији 2014.
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