Notice for traders on how to act in an emergency situation

To whom it may concern,

Taking into account the need to prevent market disruptions in the supply of basic foodstuffs (bottled drinking water, bread, milk, oil), it is necessary to take measures to ensure that through your business activities you:

– Provide the conditions for maintaining stability and market supply, particularly in terms of goods of vital importance for the population, which means that the working hours of commercial buildings should be adapted to the needs of the population

– Make basic foodstuffs available to as many people as possible

– Do not cause instability and disruption in the supply of the population

– Make general purpose produce which you have in your supply, and whose demand is increasing, available to citizens

– Contribute to overcoming the emergency situation.

In addition, we note that any form of fraudulent, unauthorized speculative activities (concealment of certain goods, raising the price of goods, any form of conditioning, etc.)., will be punished in accordance with the Law on Trade; such offenses are punishable by up to 2 million RSD, as well as by the protective measure of prohibition of activities for a period of 6 months to 2 years and the publication of the judgment.